Gratitude Goes to Gold Event Sponsors Phorest & Salon Marketing Solutions

Along with our Major Event Sponsor (you’ll find here), we were lucky enough to have Phorest and Salon Marketing Solutions as the Gold Event Sponsors of the Skin Summit 2024. To recap on the weekend, it was a success in every sense of the word, from the Education Day to the Aesthetic Device Showcase and finally the Gala Dinner. You can find all the details here - including all the well-deserving winners – along with more information on the outstanding businesses that supported and contributed to this industry-leading event below.

Phorest is the global powerhouse, all-in-one premium salon management software solution for Beauty and Clinic businesses, being the market leader in the UK & Ireland, with Australia landing the boasting rights to one of Phorest’s fastest-growing markets.

Proving their perfect alignment with our values here at PBS, they are dedicated to supporting the industry, demonstrated through their world-class product and training. They offer onshore support and free training for the life of your subscription, delivered by industry professionals who understand your business. Hopefully as many people as possible got to meet the lovely Sandy and Rebekah from Phorest Salon Software at our Aesthetic Device Showcase or were winners of their lucky door prize at the Gala Dinner!

Salon Marketing Solutions, co-founded by Vanessa McDonald (who also presented on Skin Journey Marketing at the Education Day), and our very own Matt Williams, is your complete marketing solution. Expertly developed to save you time and money on professional marketing, Salon Marketing Solutions allows you to focus more on the parts of your business you love, while Vanessa uses her industry expertise to help salons and clinics get more bookings, more sales, and more revenue using their client database.

Expect to not only grow your business, but enjoy the journey! A big congratulations must also go to the winner of the lucky door prize – we can’t wait to witness the results of your free one-on-one and Essentials Marketing Campaign Set. Invaluable!

Thank you again to both of our Gold Sponsors, making the event one of our best yet!