The Game-Changing Microsonic Cleansing Brush

Cleansing is truly the foundation of a healthy skin, and one of the most important steps in both a professional treatment service and a home-care regimen.

The Bio-Therapeutic cleansing technology harnesses the power of microsonic vibrations to dramatically enhance the efficacy of the cleansing step, without disrupting the skin’s natural moisture barrier or damaging the skin the way bristle brushes can.


Cleansing brushes have received a bit of a bad name over the past few years due to the fact that a number of devices that were once available had nylon bristle brushes that would oscillate rapidly, often causing micro-tears on the skin. While these micro-tears aren’t visible to the naked eye, they can be seen under a microscope and can wreak absolute havoc on your skin. Ultimately, these tiny tears are damaging the skin barrier which can lead to dryness, flakiness, hyper sensitivity, redness and inflammation and even worse causing long-term damage that can lead to premature ageing, skin redness and other issues.

Enter the bt-sonic microsonic cleansing brush - the most gentle, yet effective microsonic cleansing device for both in-salon professional treatments and at-home cleansing care.

Made from silver ion infused Azul soft silicone bristles that won’t stress your skin barrier and are also known for their anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties. The bt-sonic is a hard-working skin tool that sets to work by gently and effectively  dislodging dirt and dead skin cells without irritating the skin. It’s not abrasive and it won’t cause sensitivity as it pulsates at 20,000 vibrations per second for a thorough and gentle cleanse that will leave skin radiant and ready for the next step in your skincare routine.


Anatomically designed with a triangular dynamic cleansing head allowing it to reach every contour of the face including hard to reach areas around the nose and eyes. Powerful and portable in design this microsonic cleansing brush will thoroughly cleanse the entire face in just 2 minutes without disrupting the skin’s natural moisture barrier or damaging the skin. It truly is the only cleansing brush you’ll ever need! As a homecare tool this is a game-changer too as it’s been shown to clean the skin 6-8 times more effectively than manual cleansing – now who doesn’t want that!

For the skin professional the bt-sonic is the treatment room tool that will up the ante in your professional treatments. Use two bt-sonics simultaneously for an advanced facial cleanse that your clients will love.

Designed by the skin experts at Bio-Therapeutic who for almost fifty years have been at the forefront advanced technology in the professional skin care industry the bt-sonic brings together award-winning expertise to both the professional and at-home cleansing regimen to deliver professional grade results with every use.

Are you interested in stocking the bt-sonic microsonic cleansing brush or want to learn more about incorporating it into your professional treatments? Call 1800 625 387 for further information.


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